Nature 'n' Play
"They're not just playing in nature, they are: Learning, creating, sensing, believing, relaxing, exploring, observing, wondering, connecting, discovering, appreciating, understanding, experimenting"
In my experience as a play and creative arts therapist many of my clients over the years have asked 'can we go outside to play?' I acknowledged this need or desire in the child and being outdoors I saw the benefits for the child.
'Nature 'n' Play' continues to focus on the child and their process by using a dedicated outdoor space. This outdoor engagement further supports the child's process to become 'connected, empowered and inspired'.
'Nature 'n' Play' consists of three main components that continues to compliment the therapeutic process for a child by embracing the outdoor space:

- The Nature and Sensory component include the opportunity for observation, exploration and connection to the delicate balance in nature. This area includes a:
- An insect and Bee hotel
- Bird box
- Sensory Garden
- Vegetable trough
- Bushes, plants and flowers
- The Creative component provides for imaginative self-expression and
cathartic release of feelings and emotions using creative mediums in nature. This area includes:
- Bushes, branches for imaginative shelter building
- Sand and natural resources such as stones, pebbles, sticks and shells for use as symbols
- Natural water play
- Art
- Natural Clay
- Messy play
- The Calming component allows for the meditative process to evolve in communion with nature therefore, allowing the child to be part of the rhythm of nature. This area includes a:
- shelter with pillows and a blanket.
Your child will have extensive use of Safari's 'Nature-n-play' outdoor space when they visit with the notable exceptions of high winds or heavy rain for safety reasons. It is advisable to ensure your child uses sun protection factor on sunny days. Nature-n-play can also offer a decreased risk associated with transmission of COVID-19.